Guidance, pathways and quality standards
Library resources
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Orthopaedics and Trauma
Guidance, pathways and quality standards
Library resources
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Orthopaedics and Trauma
"Apprentices now have greater access to resources, not only at College or University but in the workplace. The benefits are not solely logistical; the resources and services available to them via the Library & Knowledge Service are current, relevant and varied."
"The library provided me with the evidence base to support a service development of developing a early discharge detox policy. This has improved patient clinical outcomes. This also reduces length of stay and re-attendance at A&E."
"Literature searches carried out by the library staff assisted in the development of a new education program for unregistered staff in response to the Francis report."
"The library carried out a literature search and provided my team with a wealth of relevant information from a variety of different sources that we were able to use within our poster presentation."
"The information I receive has a positive impact in my role as a Non-Executive Director. Over the past year in post I have found the library alerting service to be an invaluable resource it is a great way to be kept informed via the on-line platform that I can access at times to suit."