Search tipsIncluding boolean operators, proximity searching, truncation & wildcards, subject headings, exploding and focusing, and search fields.
AMEDThe Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED) covers a selection of journals in complementary medicine, palliative care, and several professions allied to medicine. |
BMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. |
British Nursing Index (BNI)The British Nursing Index (BNI) is a bibliographic database that indexes articles from the most popular English language nursing journals published primarily in the UK. BNI is a comprehensive index covering all aspects of nursing, midwifery and community healthcare and is updated monthly. |
CINAHLThe CINAHL database is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information for nurses, and allied health professionals. |
CochraneThe Cochrane Library is a collection of databases giving practitioners access to evidence-based information to improve patient care. It includes Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers. |
Consumer Health DatabaseThe Consumer Health Database offers international coverage dating back to 1988 of an enormous range of public health subjects, including pandemics, disaster preparedness, and obesity. Particularly of interest to public library users, the public health topics covered in the collection range from sports injuries to women’s health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry. Provided by over 190 publishers, over 350 full-text magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and trade publications and over 300 health video clips from INTELECOM are included in the collection. Key titles include American Family Physician, Psychiatric Times, Psychology Today, Family Relations, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Men’s Health, Women’s Health Weekly, and Pediatrics for Parents. |
DynamedA clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other health care professionals for use at the point-of-care. Dynamed provides evidence based summaries for more than 3,200 topics. With the DynaMed app, you can use the tool from anywhere. One-time authentication is easy. Users can follow relevant content, earn and redeem CME and MOC credit, and email topics right from within the app. |
EmbaseEmbase is a major biomedical and pharmaceutical database including drug research, pharmacology, toxicology, health policy and management, public health, occupational health and psychiatry. |
EMCARE is a nursing and allied health database with over five million records from 3,700 international journals dating back to 1995 and access to over 1,800 journals not available on other leading nursing databases. |
Health Business EliteHealth Business Elite provides comprehensive journal content detailing all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management. Subjects include Computer technology, Facilities management, Hospital administration, Hospital management, Human resources, Insurance, Marketing. |
HMICThe Health Management Information Consortium database is a compilation of data from the Department of Health's Library and Information Services and King’s Fund Information and Library Service. |
Medline CompleteMEDLINE covers medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more.
PedroIt is a free database of over 54,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions. You can SEARCH to answer your questions, BROWSE the latest research in your area of interest, LEARN more about evidence-based practice, access useful RESOURCES, or find out more ABOUT this invaluable global resource. |
PsycharticlesThis database offers full-text articles for journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. |
PsycInfoPsychInfo provides coverage of the literature on psychology and allied fields. It covers psychological practice and research as well as the related clinical, social and biological disciplines. |
Social Policy and PracticeEvidence-based social science research for policy-makers, practitioners, educators and students working within economic and social development, social administration, social services, and care management. |
TRIPTrip was designed, twenty-five years ago, as a tool to support clinicians to answer their clinical questions using the best available evidence. This focus remains and a major feature of Trip is evidence-based content (with a focus on evidence at the top of the evidence pyramid). While the focus is on clinicians, Trip is widely used by librarians and other information specialists. |