What is Human Factors?
“Enhancing clinical performance through an understanding of the effects of teamwork, tasks, equipment, workspace, culture, organisation on human behaviour and abilities, and application of that knowledge in clinical settings.” - Dr Ken Catchpole
Best practice, learning resources, policy & research
Guidelines, policies and tools
- Clinical Human Factors Group - How To Guides
- Clinical Human Factors Group - Policy & Investigation
- Guidance notes on National Reporting and Learning System organisation patient safety incident reports - NHS Improvement (March 2017)
- Learning from patient safety incidents - NHS Improvement (2017)
- Never events policy and framework - NHS England
- Patient Safety Guidelines - WHO
- Being open: communicating patient safety incidents with patients, their families and carers - NHS NPSA (2009)
- The Incident Decision Tree: Guidelines for Action Following Patient Safety Incidents
- The Incident Decision Tree: Information and advice on use - NHS NPSA
- Safety Attitudes and Safety Climate Questionnaire - Centre for Healthcare Quality and Safety
- Resources to support the safe adoption of the revised National Early Warning Score (NEWS2)
Applied human factors:
Academic papers/ documents
Video clips