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Other resources
- The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) 2 is a common system for use across the NHS to lead progress in the assessment of and response to acute illness. This is the latest version of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS), first produced in 2012 and updated in December 2017. NEWS2 has now received formal endorsement from NHS England and NHS Improvement to become the early warning system for identifying acutely ill patients - including those with sepsis - in hospitals in England.
- Sepsis - resources for healthcare professionals
- The UK Sepsis Trust website hosts clinical toolkits covering a range of clinical settings.
- Improving outcomes for patients with sepsis: A cross-system action plan (2015) highlights key challenges and issues, and summarises the actions health and care organisations will take to address them.
- The adult patient who is deteriorating: sharing learning from literature, incident reports and root cause analysis investigations - from the patient safety team at NHS Improvement summarises and references previous work on the topic to ensure that future work focuses on current patterns of harm and their causes. It also addresses aspects of sepsis and includes suggestions for applying the learning locally.
- The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has produced a position statement on the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) for adult patients attending emergency departments.
- Patient safety alert: Resources to support safer care of the deteriorating patient (adults and children)
- Recognition of the deteriorating patient - BMJ Open Quality 2015
- The effectiveness of education in the recognition and management of deteriorating patients: A systematic review - Nurse Education Today 2016
- NHS England : Sepsis
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