Evidence Resources:
- Menopause - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | BMJ Best Practice (NHS Athens login required)
- Menopause - DynaMed (NHS Athens login required)
- Menopause | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE
- Menopause | Topic | NICE
Books available to borrow:
Titles include:
- Full list of Menopause books and e-books available via the NHS North West Knowledge and Library Services catalogue.
Titles include:
Information booklets:
The Menopause and lifestyle change - Dr Claire Milton
Fast Facts for Women and their Supporters: Menopause - Dr Paula Briggs
- Balance – Brought to you by menopause specialist Dr Louise Newson, track your symptoms and download your Health Report
- Health and Her - The comprehensive toolkit for your peri- and menopause journey
The Menopause awareness elearning session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. It will give learners an overview of what the menopause is, the common symptoms associated with it, and scenarios which will help our people better understand the ways in which they can help support themselves and each other. This elearning is designed for all colleagues in the workforce. Whether you are a person transitioning through the menopause, or if you are looking for information to help you support a colleague, employee, friend or relative who is experiencing symptoms of the menopause. |