Wellbeing, Resilience and Psychological Support Resources

Handy Apps:
Unmind is a mental health platform that empowers staff to proactively improve their mental wellbeing. Using scientifically-backed assessments, tools and training you can measure and manage your personal mental health needs, including digital programmes designed to help with stress, sleep, coping, connection, fulfillment and nutrition.
Headspace is a science-backed app in mindfulness and meditation, providing unique tools and resources to help reduce stress, build resilience, and aid better sleep.
Sleepio is a clinically-evidenced sleep improvement programme that is fully automated and highly personalised, using cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep.
Daylight is a smartphone-based app that provides help to people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety, using evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques, voice, and animation.
Unmind is a mental health platform that empowers staff to proactively improve their mental wellbeing. Using scientifically-backed assessments, tools and training you can measure and manage your personal mental health needs, including digital programmes designed to help with stress, sleep, coping, connection, fulfillment and nutrition.
- Go to nhs.unmind.com/signup
- Sign up with your NHS email address
- Download the Unmind app from your appstore - your organisation name is NHS.
Headspace is a science-backed app in mindfulness and meditation, providing unique tools and resources to help reduce stress, build resilience, and aid better sleep.
- Go to https://www.headspace.com/nhs for NHS staff to access, with the option to select clinical or non-clinical staff to start enrolling.
- You will need to use your NHS email address to sign up.
Sleepio is a clinically-evidenced sleep improvement programme that is fully automated and highly personalised, using cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep.
Daylight is a smartphone-based app that provides help to people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety, using evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques, voice, and animation.
- Click on the following link on your laptop or desktop computer: http://sleepio.com/nhs-staff
- Click on the following link: http://trydaylight.com/nhs-staff
Web resources:
Responding to stress experienced by hospital staff working with Covid-19 - Kings Fund. Drawing on research, best practice guidelines and expert clinical opinions, the COVID Trauma Response Working Group has created rapid guidance for planners putting in place psychological support for staff in the early stages of dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/stress-hospital-staff-covid-19
Developing emotional resilience and wellbeing: a practical guide for social workers - This gmarkallenassets.blob.core.windows.net/communitycare/2020/04/Community-Care-Inform-emotional-resilience-guide.pdfuide includes the competencies that support emotional resilience, including self-compassion, self-care and having a flexible range of coping skills; how to ensure emotional literacy allows for “appropriate empathy”, rather than being overwhelmed by concern and distress for others; and specific techniques practitioners can try to develop a personal resilience “toolbox” that meets their own needs and allows them to respond to different situations.
Caring4NHSPeople Wellbeing Webinars - NHS Horizons
National Health Supporters
Connecting students and staff. https://www.nationalhealthsupporters.co.uk/
Mental Health Foundation
How to look after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. https://mentalhealth.org.uk/coronavirus
British Psychological Society Covid19 Staff Wellbeing Group
The psychological needs of health care staff as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Resilience and self-care https://www.rcslt.org/learning/covid-19/resilience-self-care
NHS Practitioner Health
Support Services & Access to Therapy https://www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/support-services-access-to-therapy
MindEd Covid-19 Resilience Hub has launched at http://covid.minded.org.uk
Covid-19 Workforce Wellbeing
NHS England and NHS Improvement launches wellbeing support for health staff: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/2020/04/nhs-england-and-nhs-improvement-launches-wellbeing-support-for-health-staff
The 5 ‘Ts’ of crisis communication: how to tackle and learn from crises. Transparency, timeliness, trust, tenacity, and togetherness are key values during times of crisis. Here are 10 tips for organisations to better cope with and communicate during times of crisis like coronavirus. https://yourstory.com/2020/03/coronavirus-crisis-communications-covid-19-organisations
Every Mind Matters
Coronavirus and mental wellbeing https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
British Geriatrics Society
Covid-19: Health and care staff wellbeing https://www.bgs.org.uk/resources/covid-19-health-and-care-staff-wellbeing
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and your mental wellbeing https://www.rcn.org.uk/get-help/member-support-services/counselling-service/covid-19-and-your-mental-wellbeing
Coronavirus: Mental health hotline for NHS staff
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Heath and Care Partnership including how to use PPE and a mindfulness video. There are links on the following website and this will be updated as more are produced: https://www.wyhpartnership.co.uk/our-priorities/coronavirus-covid-19-information-and-resources
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the King’s College London. Guidance document developed for leaders and managers to address psychological concerns during the pandemic. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/maintaining-health-and-wellbeing-during-the-covid-19-pandemic?fbclid=IwAR3AzL8NLlrcL_T1z2H8BdScvhikyn2k_OcGBcgfssvYej_-eqNfhlNFELA
School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation (North) have produced mental health and wellbeing resources (New)
Responding to stress experienced by hospital staff working with Covid-19 - Kings Fund. Drawing on research, best practice guidelines and expert clinical opinions, the COVID Trauma Response Working Group has created rapid guidance for planners putting in place psychological support for staff in the early stages of dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/stress-hospital-staff-covid-19
Developing emotional resilience and wellbeing: a practical guide for social workers - This gmarkallenassets.blob.core.windows.net/communitycare/2020/04/Community-Care-Inform-emotional-resilience-guide.pdfuide includes the competencies that support emotional resilience, including self-compassion, self-care and having a flexible range of coping skills; how to ensure emotional literacy allows for “appropriate empathy”, rather than being overwhelmed by concern and distress for others; and specific techniques practitioners can try to develop a personal resilience “toolbox” that meets their own needs and allows them to respond to different situations.
Caring4NHSPeople Wellbeing Webinars - NHS Horizons
National Health Supporters
Connecting students and staff. https://www.nationalhealthsupporters.co.uk/
Mental Health Foundation
How to look after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. https://mentalhealth.org.uk/coronavirus
British Psychological Society Covid19 Staff Wellbeing Group
The psychological needs of health care staff as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Resilience and self-care https://www.rcslt.org/learning/covid-19/resilience-self-care
NHS Practitioner Health
Support Services & Access to Therapy https://www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/support-services-access-to-therapy
MindEd Covid-19 Resilience Hub has launched at http://covid.minded.org.uk
Covid-19 Workforce Wellbeing
NHS England and NHS Improvement launches wellbeing support for health staff: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/2020/04/nhs-england-and-nhs-improvement-launches-wellbeing-support-for-health-staff
The 5 ‘Ts’ of crisis communication: how to tackle and learn from crises. Transparency, timeliness, trust, tenacity, and togetherness are key values during times of crisis. Here are 10 tips for organisations to better cope with and communicate during times of crisis like coronavirus. https://yourstory.com/2020/03/coronavirus-crisis-communications-covid-19-organisations
Every Mind Matters
Coronavirus and mental wellbeing https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
British Geriatrics Society
Covid-19: Health and care staff wellbeing https://www.bgs.org.uk/resources/covid-19-health-and-care-staff-wellbeing
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and your mental wellbeing https://www.rcn.org.uk/get-help/member-support-services/counselling-service/covid-19-and-your-mental-wellbeing
Coronavirus: Mental health hotline for NHS staff
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Heath and Care Partnership including how to use PPE and a mindfulness video. There are links on the following website and this will be updated as more are produced: https://www.wyhpartnership.co.uk/our-priorities/coronavirus-covid-19-information-and-resources
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the King’s College London. Guidance document developed for leaders and managers to address psychological concerns during the pandemic. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/maintaining-health-and-wellbeing-during-the-covid-19-pandemic?fbclid=IwAR3AzL8NLlrcL_T1z2H8BdScvhikyn2k_OcGBcgfssvYej_-eqNfhlNFELA
School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation (North) have produced mental health and wellbeing resources (New)